Flyover Conservatives
News • Politics • Culture
A conversational podcast where current events get broken down and modern culture is examined through the lens of Conservative, Christian Values!
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Hi, I am Melanie born/raised in Austin, Tx. I am a Boomer…I was very affected by the assassination of JFK as an 8th grader at the time. I have always been suspicious of the narrative surrounding it and other assassinations that followed. Have searched for the “truth” in government shenanigans ever since! Trumper from well before he ever threw his hat in the ring. At this point I follow Charlie Ward, Nino Rodriguez, Michael Jaco, Scott McKay et al faithfully. I am looking forward to learning more about the truth from this group. Thanks for having me!

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Show tonight!!

“You know he’s got to be an absolute blind fool or either that or he’s just serving the Democrat Party,” Marjorie Taylor Greene goes off on Senator Lindsey Graham for downplaying Joe Biden’s corruption.

Congresswoman Greene joined David and Stacy Whited to discuss that and more!

WATCH the full interview tonight at 8:30pm CST on Rumble:

American Liberty Awards

Flyover was nominated for our first American Liberty Award. It was great honor to attend the event and to be amongst so many amazing truth tellers and freedom fighters!

We came home empty handed but our hearts are full and our team had a BLAST!

Thanks to all of you that voted and support our show. ❤️🇺🇸

On another note, it was shocking to see Austin for the first time in a number of years. They are still having ongoing Pride Parades in August and the town felt as though every Texan with a Dad shaped hole in their heart has moved to Austin. #prayforaustin

Robin Bullock: Marching Orders

Don't miss this unforgettable show with Prophet Robin D. Bullock! It's packed with incredible nuggets of wisdom and insight that you won't want to miss. Tune in tonight at 8:30 pm CST. 📺



April 8th… Eclipse… Trump… Civil War… Prophetic Words…

Did you watch last night’s deep dive with Steve Cioccolanti? You can watch it FULLY now:

Love The Prophetic Report! Stacey you’re so sweet! Such a blessing

I live in NC and just tuned 89 in June. I grew up in the Episcopal Church. The Holy Spirit drew me to Jesus through a neighborhood Bible study. My husband and I started attending a pentecostal church as a result. We both received Christ and were baptized in the Holy Spirit, June 23, 1968. Our lives were radically transformed and we never turned back. I'm widowed now, but am walking in God's purposes for my life. (Psalm 92:14)

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